WCB Video Tutorial & Design Task
The goal of this video is to review key content from Sessions 1 - 3 and to provide you with an overview of the experiential learning model - something you might be able to incorporate in some of your design work.
There are two steps to this tutorial:
Step 1: Watch the tutorial. It consists of 3 chapters and the pictures below show you how you can control where you start within the video by selecting the chapter(s) that are of most interest to you.
You can control where you start
Step 1: Click on the CHAPTER icon
You can control the order
Step 2: Click on the CHAPTER you want watch
Step 2: Go to the Jamboard that I’ve created and try your hand at a design task. The link to the Jamboard is at the end of the video AND also below the video in case you miss the video link.
I’ve also included a link to our Padlet and a link to a design template you can use for your own design work. They’re located halfway down this page.
We meet again on March 23rd. If you would like an “Office Hour” with me, send me an email using the form below and I can arrange to meet with you.