learning plan: part two
10:35 - 11:05
5.1 LISTENING TEST (10 minutes)
- Tell participants that they will now listen to the following story and that they are not allowed to take notes:
"The time was 9:05 p.m. After a long evening working on the ledgers, Lee Robichaud was closing up the office and was just about to activate the burglar alarm at the front door when a stranger slipped in and demanded money. The accountant dialed the combination, opened the safe, and removed the money. The man then disappeared into the night. Only then was the burglar alarm activated."
- Ask participants to complete the Listening Test (See below) by considering each of the 20 statements and identifying whether the statement is True (T), False (F) or unclear from the details provided (?) by circling the correct response.
- When they have completed the Listening Test, ask learners to give themselves an anticipatory mark out of 20.
- Provide participants the correct responses (See below). Ask them to give themselves one point for each correct response.
5.3 LECTURE: LISTENING OBJECTIVELY - Mirroring (5 minutes)
- We've talked about why air travellers may be feeling stressed: their overall lack of control and familiarity in strange environments, perhaps a fear of flying, or personal issues making travel necessary. Your colleagues, friends and family may also occasionally feel stressed for their own reasons. You can help to connect with others and better understand their needs by selective use of a listening skill known as 'mirroring'.
- Mirroring lets you reflect back to people the thoughts and feelings they may be experiencing. When done well, it can give people the space they need to sort out their thoughts and feelings about something that may be troubling them.
- When you are applying this skill, you make a conscious choice to listen to people's words, the content of what they are saying. You are consciously choosing to not become distracted by the way in which they deliver their message to you.
- Invite participants to watch the remainder of the clip and notice what happens when people - like the airport employee in this clip - don't listen objectively and get irritated by the way in which someone is delivering their message.
5.4 Large Group Discussion (5 minutes)
- Ask participants to identify how he tried to help her (he tried to teach her some manners).
- Ask them to identify the possible implications of his approach. Did he make the situation better or worse? Who else within the airport would experience the results of his intervention?
5.5 PRACTICE ROUNDS (5 minutes)
- Ask participants to recall the content of what Heather (the woman in the video clip) was saying, using her words.
- Record each person's recollections on a large Post It Note.
- Once each person has contributed a comment, ask the large group to sort the woman's comments into two categories: 'Things I Can Influence' and 'Things I Can't Influence' (See flip chart sample to the right).
- Once the lists are complete, ask participants to find a partner and review the two lists. Based on what they see in the 'Things I Can Influence' column, what would they do to help this person?
- Ask participants to identify what her specific needs are and to identify how, specifically, they would assist her.
11:05 - 12:00
6.1 Getting Ready to Practice: Checklist Review (25 Minutes)
- Ask participants to take a moment to individually review The Stanfield Way Checklist.
- Ask and respond to any questions they have that might require clarification.
- Once they have clarified their understanding of the checklist, ask them to watch the video, 'Checking In' (below). Ask them to imagine that they are Stanfield Way Experts who are tasked with evaluating people's ability to apply The Stanfield Way.
- After they have evaluated the employee, invite participants to share their evaluation results.
- Inform participants that the answers to the questions posed in the following scenarios are in their Stanfield Way Workbook (pages 9 - 11) and that we will take some time after each scenario to discuss specific strategies.
Frequently Asked Questions Study Tool
Test Your Knowledge
"Checking In"
'Checking In' Teaching Points (page 9 in workbook)

- The first question to ask in this situation before responding is – “Where are you flying?”
- If the person is flying non-stop from Halifax to the U.S. (“transborder” passengers) they should be directed to the U.S. check-in located at the north end of the terminal building, up the escalator to the 2nd floor.
- People flying within Canada (“domestic” passengers) or internationally (foreign countries other than the U.S.) should be directed to the domestic/international check-in located at the south end of the terminal building.
6.2 FINAL PRACTICE: ROUND #1 (10 minutes)
- Divide the group into trios. Ask each member of the trio to number off from 1 - 3. Tell the 1’s that they will be the airport personnel in this practice round, the 2’s will be the traveller and the 3’s will be observers providing feedback to the 1’s on their skill in applying the values of The Stanfield Way.
- Provide the observers with a copy of the The Stanfield Way Feedback Checklist.
- Show the video, 'Panic' (below).
- Ask the 1’s to demonstrate how they might help this person in resolving their concerns. Ask the 2’s to really engage in their role by behaving like a challenging traveller. Ask the 3’s to provide feedback at the end of this round by identifying what the airport employee did well and what she/he could do more effectively in the future.
'Panic' Teaching Points (page 11 in workbook)
Baby Food, Diapers and formula
- Baby food, formula and diapers are not sold in the airport. The Airport Authority maintains a supply for emergency use.
- Items may be obtained by asking a Tartan Team Volunteer or contacting the Customer Relations office at 873-1434 or 873-1479.
- Security Constables (873-1039) or the HIAA Service Centre (873-1234) may be contacted on weekends or evenings.
assisting people with luggage
- Insert information about how to assist people with luggage and/or baggage carts.
6.3 FINAL PRACTICE: ROUND #2 (10 minutes)
- Tell the 2’s that they are to take on the role of the airport personnel. The 3’s will be the traveller and the 1’s will be observers.
- Provide observers with a copy of The Stanfield Way Feedback Checklist.
- Show the video, 'Smokin' (below).
- Ask the 1’s to provide feedback to the 2’s using the checklist.
"Smoke Break"
'Smokin' Teaching Points (Page 10 in Workbook)
Smoking areas
- Smoking is only allowed in certain areas.
- One is across from the arrivals doors and one is located outside of the lower centre tunnel.
Helping retrieve a boarding pass
- Insert teaching points on how to retrieve someone's boarding pass from departure area.
6.4 FINAL PRACTICE: ROUND #3 (10 minutes)
- Tell the 3’s that they are to take on the role of the airport personnel. The 1’s will be the traveller and the 2’s will be observers.
- Provide observers with a copy of The Stanfield Way Feedback Checklist.
- Show video, 'Border Crossing' (below).
- Ask the 2’s to provide feedback to the 3’s using the checklist.
"Crossing borders"
'Crossing Borders' Teaching Points (Page 10 in Workbook)
- NEXUS is a joint customs and immigration program for frequent travellers that both the Canadian and American Governments have implemented. The NEXUS program is designed to simplify border crossing for pre-approved, low risk travellers.
- NEXUS applications are available at the Canada Customs office located in the arrivals area at the north end of the terminal building.
- Access to the office is beside the Ground Transportation Booth. To apply online visit www.GOES.com
Lost boarding pass
- Insert information on how to help someone retrieve a lost boarding pass.
6.5 Review 'Active Offer' (page 11 in Workbook):
- Official Languages: In accordance with the Official Languages Act and the Official Languages Regulations, it is the Airport Authority’s responsibility to ensure that any member of the public can communicate with and abstain available services (both orally and in writing) in the language of their choice (English or French). This includes all activities considered essential to the needs of the travelling public such as passenger services, retail, food and beverage services, ground transportation and airline services. It is also a requirement for those businesses to display a pictogram sign indicating that service is available in both official languages.
- Language Line Service: Halifax International Airport Authority subscribes to a language line service that offers translations in many languages via telephone. If a passenger seems in distress and does not speak English, the language line may be used to translate. This service is available through several departments in the airport including the Security Administration Office and Patrol Officers, Nova Scotia Visitor Information Centre, Ground Transportation, HIAA Customer Relations Office and the Airport Duty Manager.
- Hand out the 'Active Offer' laminated job aids that can be attached to employee lanyards.
- Remind participants that the answers to frequently asked questions are in their workbook (pages 9 - 11).
- Inform participants that a variety of resources are available for them to take back to their workplace: Civic Maps, Airport Directories, Orientation Manuals, Lanyards, Stanfield Way Pins, etc. Invite them to help themselves to whatever they need once the workshop has finished.
11:40 - 11:55
7.1 LESSONS LEARNED (5 minutes)
- Ask learners to find a partner that they haven’t worked with much throughout the workshop.
- Once they have found their partner, ask them to discuss:
- What did they learn as a result of the workshop?
- How will they apply when they return to work?
- When learners have completed this discussion, ask them to share some of their learnings with the large group.
- Thank learners for their participation in the session.
- Inform them that their feedback is very important and ask them to take a few moments to complete the evaluation forms.
- When they have completed the form, ask them to leave them on the table.