Our Articles, Activities, and flip charts
Click to download an updated, expanded Energizers/Ice Breakers cook book.
Click to download the Ruhl, Hughes, and Schloss study on the impact discussions have on retention rates of lectures.
Click to download our flip chart notes. If you need more help with Flip Charts, contact Kelly O'Neil: missionkelly@yahoo.ca
Cool tools and resources
This is the podcast I referred to. The 'Switchtracking', 'Stereotype Threat', and 'Students and Teachers' episodes are very interesting and relevant. Heck, they're all interesting!
We tried MeetingSift in our workshop. Here's the link. Contact me if you want to test drive it.
I use Tiny Scanner to create pdf files from the flip chart notes Kelly and/or I transcribe when we're doing workshops or public consultations. It's easier to work with the notes when they're on 8.5 x 11 paper. Flip chart paper can be pretty inconvenient to work with when you're creating follow-up reports.
Screencast-O-Matic lets you create video tutorials for your students. It's free.
Teacher Kit is a great class and attendance management tool.
This is a great video about the fact that many of us have many true callings, not just one.
Here's the link for Kitchen Party. I've been looking at the Career in Gear website. It's fantastic!
Lana shared Morguefile.com, a resource which helps you find free stock images, etc.
Shelley shared a Feedback Survey which invites learners to identify what they need from effective feedback.
Great youtube Video (contributed by Kevin G.) on Inferences
Great courses on thinking and learning
I love Coursera. It's an organization that brings the best educators in the world directly to us. You and members of your community can take a course from Harvard, Princeton, Wesleyan University (the best Universities in the world) right now, for free. Anyone can start studying right now. Geography, money, educational background are no longer barriers. I try to encourage every young student, every senior citizen, everyone to consider learning something new. Why not start a community learning group?
Websites that help us explore biases and the impact they have
just for fun: The Art Critique Phrase Generator
Have you ever wondered what the heck people were talking about when they were critiquing art or discussing wine? Well, wonder no more! The Automatic Art Critique Phrase Generator will have you spouting critiques like the best of them. Try it! It's fun. And it will make you capable of saying stuff like this:
I agree/disagree with some of the things that have just been said, but the optical suggestions of the spatial relationships makes resonant the eloquence of these pieces.
Trailer for calculating scope, sequencing content and designing discussions
Click on the play button.
How can I design and lead a good discussion?
Click on the play button.
how much information in your lecture?
Click on the play button.
What's the point (of your lecture)?
Click on the play button.